The awkwardly addressed twenty-aught-something years are fading behind us with the teen years taunting us just ahead. So what music will I remember from Y2K to now? Here are my picks, and happy listening in the brave new adolescent future.

2. Wilco Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2002
3. Arcade Fire Funeral 2004
4. Sufjan Stevens Come on Feel the Illinoise! 2005
5. Gillian Welch Time (The Revelator) 2001
6. The Hold Steady Separation Sunday 2005
7. The National Boxer 2007
8. Liars Drum's Not Dead 2006
9. Neko Case Fox the Confessor 2006
10. Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago 2008

12. LCD Soundsystem Sound of Silver 2007
13. The White Stripes White Blood Cells 2002
14. The National The Alligator 2005
15. The Strokes Is This It 2001
16. Franz Ferdinand s/t 2004
17. Jay-Z The Blueprint 2001
18. TV on the Radio Return to Cookie Mountain 2006
19. Spoon Kill the Moonlight 2002
20. Modest Mouse The Moon & Antarctica 2000
21. Fleet Foxes s/t 2008
22. Iron & Wine Creek Drank the Cradle 2002
23. The Shins Chutes Too Narrow 2003
24. New Pornographers Mass Romantic 2003
25. Grizzly Bear Veckatimest 2009
26. Band of Horses Everything All the Time 2006
27. The Microphones The Glow Pt. 2 2001
28. TV on the Radio Dear Science 2008
29. Flaming Lips Embryonic 2009
30. Volcano Choir Unmap 2009
31. Dizzee Rascal Boy In Da Corner 2003
32. My Morning Jacket Z 2005
33. Blitzen Trapper Furr 2008
34. Spoon Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga 2007
35. New Pornographers Twin Cinema 2005
36. Radiohead In Rainbows 2007
37. The Hold Steady Boys and Girls in America 2004
38. M.I.A. Kala 2007
39. The Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots 2002
40. Grizzly Bear Yellow House 2006
41. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy Master and Everyone 2003
42. The Avett Brothers I and Love and You 2009
43. The Knife Silent Shout 2006
44. Dan Deacon Spiderman of the Rings 2007
45. Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf 2002
46. My Morning Jacket It Still Moves 2003
47. Interpol Turn on the Bright Lights 2002
48. Sleater-Kinney The Woods 2005
49. Girl Talk Night Ripper 2006
50. Justin Timberlake FutureSex/LoveSounds 2006
Kyle, a most excellent music list indeed. I think I agree with about 90% of your choices, which is eerie. Though I'd humbly put Wilco's YHF in the number 1 slot.
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple here I haven't heard before, like Liars and Sleater-Kinney. I'll have to give them a tumble.